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The Game Warden's Editorial

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Was it worth it? 2007 and Safaritalk.

Game Warden


Well my blog has been a disappointing affair: there are few field notes worth reading from where I am situated and thus entries have been few and far between this last year.

There are many more knowledgeable and experienced people out there, and this can be evidenced with a flick through the recent posts on Safaritalk: slowly is a participating audience developing and I'd like to thank all those who have joined and posted - it is my hope that this continues through the New Year and so in 365 days time when I review 2008 I can look back over a frenzied year of "Safari talk" and discussions that have helped make a difference in Africa.

And talking of making a difference in Africa, despite this being a recent initiative, Safaritalk has raised almost 7000 US Dollars for various projects in Africa, sent out a number of hand powered torches and supplied bicycles to the children of Zambia's Luangwa Valley. In addition, Safaritalk is on both YouTube and Facebook, and it has also helped three grass roots organisations establish presences on Facebook, The Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force, Youth for Conservation (Kenya) and Village Africa where they will be guaranteed attention and publicity, moreso than their own stand alone websites.

I personally hope to help many more grass roots orgs in this manner during the next year, and likewise to continue to raise money - although Safaritalk plays no part in the donation process itself.

So here's to the New Year, and firstly let me take this opportunity to send my best wishes to Safaritalk members and friends in Kenya. Please stay safe and keep in touch, we are thinking about you. Secondly may I wish you all Safari Njema for 2008, life is a journey, a safari and one doesn't have to be in Africa to experience the passion for the country. You can do that here, when not there.

Take care and see you soon, my best regards


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